03-3659-0520 sugaya
タイトルは「Human_Nature :カプーアへのオマージュ」 です。幸福には不幸が、生には死が、美しさには醜さが、
福元 成武 Toshihiko Shiomitsu ほかTANKのみんなありがとうでした。
Photo Kenta Hasegawa
Anish Kapoor has exhibited his work in numerous public spaces and art museums all over the world,
but this is the first opportunity to present his work in an art space directly connected to a street. Kapoor expressed a keen interest in this art space directly connected to fashion, people’ daily activities and the streets of Omotesando and Harajuku, and hoped that the spirit of his art would not only stay in the exhibition space but circulate around the entire building. In response to the artist’s intent, Curator Takayo Iida requested us to make an art installation for this exhibition as an homage to Anish Kapoor’s inspirations and also serving as a mediator connecting all floors.
The title is “Human_Nature: Homage to Anish Kapoor”.
There is sorrow in happiness; death in life; ugliness in beauty; evil in good; and darkness in light. In our daily life, we only see one side of the dichotomic relations.
It may be because we refuse to see or don’t want to show the other side. On the other hand, Kapoor’s works intently let us see both sides of dichonomic relations in all things that exist in front of our eyes.Inspired from Kapoor’s philosophy, I conceived an image of the womb that embraces all existence including death, ugliness, evil and darkness. I feel a strong sense of wonder from its capacity to embrace all existing things and conceive new things, probably because it physically and not intellectually manifests the truth that all things exist in dichotomies. Chaotic curved lines brought into the linear space are conscious manifestation of unconscious behaviors of our bodies, the most immediate form of nature, against death, ugliness, evil, and darkness, which are part of our human nature